Sunday, September 21, 2008

New Trader Joe's - Midtown, Charlotte

Opening Soon!


  1. I guess that makes three stores in metro Charlotte and five statewide...

  2. yes. Waiting for the Triad to get one...

  3. It opened this past Friday. Hopefully, the parking will be better than the Rea Rd location.

  4. Anonymous7:19 PM

    I stopped by there today...parking was not a problem, although I was there at 11:30. The store seems bigger than some others I've been in, but there didn't seem to be as much merchandise in there. I'm sure it's just an optical illusion, though. Better to leave a little space rather than try and cram too much in there.

    It did irk me that the Two-buck-Chuck sells for $2.99 here, as opposed to the $2.50 my dad paid in Atlanta three days ago...
