Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Lowes Foods' new look

A competitive grocery market calls for grocers to be on their toes at all times.  In keeping with the trend, Winston-Salem based Lowes Foods stores is rolling out a contemporary look at some of their locations. This store in Greensboro on New Garden Road is one of the first Lowes Foods stores with the new, modernized look.  Gone are the tall, bulky shelving units on the aisles, replaced with low-rise shelves and wider aisles.  Additionally, new sleek signage is displayed all around the store and throughout the center of the store, directing customers to where they can find newly-relocated items.  At this time, it is unclear how many of their stores will get this look, but our guess is that most of them will.


  1. Anonymous12:38 AM

    Isn't this what they did in their former Charlotte stores? Except for dairy, which was in closed refrigerators.

  2. You're right, their Charlotte stores did get this look but those for the most part were so-short lived. New for many other markets, though.

  3. Looks good, but I wonder why they didn't consider making it a bit more colorful. Also, the lower shelves and wider aisles seem like a ploy to make a reduced selection seem more appealing. Am I wrong?

  4. Sonya7:01 PM

    I really like the new look! Spacious, clean, and modern. Hope this spreads to other LF stores quickly.

  5. Very nice! I like their wall signage.

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