Sunday, March 18, 2007

More Bloom and Bottom Dollar

The Charlotte Observer ran an article today comparing the three Food Lion brands: Food Lion itself, Bloom and Bottom Dollar. We did a post comparing the three markets too, one post about Bottom Dollar and other Food Lion ventures, and one about Bloom. The photos are from the Wikipedia article for Food Lion, the Bloom store is from Accokeek, Maryland and I'm assuming the Bottom Dollar is their Hickory location, but I am not quite sure about it.

Fast facts from the Observer's article:


52 stores, four states.Features high-tech gadgets that allow shoppers to print recipes, find their way around the store or tally their purchases while shopping.

Features a fresh meat and seafood market; large selection of organic and international foods and store-baked pastries.

Store rewards card gives customers a 1 percent rebate for each dollar spent.


1,151 stores in 11 states.

Stores are undergoing a redesign to widen aisles and lower shelves. Upgrading produce and wine departments.

Smaller selection of international and organic foods; seafood is fresh but prepackaged.

MVP card gives discounts on select items.


18 stores in three states.

Customers bag their own groceries. Polyester cloth bags cost $1 each, heavy plastic bags go for 5 cents each, and boxes are free.

No on-site deli or bakery.

At most stores, no card required to receive discounts. Hickory store is testing a free membership card.


  1. Anonymous6:57 PM

    The Bottom Dollar reminds me Big Lots, perhaps it's the hideous orange colour.

  2. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Bloom sounds awesome. Sucks that we never had the chance to go. We will have to come to Charlotte next time we're in NC and go to a Bloom with you.

  3. Anonymous11:04 PM

    I believe the Bottom Dollar store shown is in Asheboro.

    1. That BDF was once a Food Lion, and somewhere there is an old photo of the store when it was an FL back in June? of 2003.
